Catalog of Species in the Tribe Laphriini in North America North of Mexico
This catalog is based on the sections by Wilcox & Martin in the 1965 Diptera Catalog for
Lampria Macquart and Laphria Meigen [s. lat.]. These two genera are
currently the only two robber fly genera north of Mexico that belong to the tribe Laphriini.
Laphria sensu Wilcox & Martin includes all the species currently described
in Laphria s. str. as well as those that will eventually be placed in
Choerades Walker and the two genera I will be describing. After I've published the
reassignments I will of course separate out the four genera on-line. At that time I will also
list the new species, if they have already been published elsewhere.
But for now all the described Laphria s. lat. are lumped together. I have
flagged the names of species in Laphria s. str. that were
represented by identified specimens in the approximately 20,000 Laphria
s. lat. I borrowed for my PhD. dissertation. These include all the Laphria
s. str. species that have been recognized in the literature since about 1850. My
flagging them here says nothing about their eventual validity. Several are undoubtedly synonyms.
And some that I did not flag (i.e. that have never been recognized) may be valid. The flags are links
to my write-ups as well as to transcripts of the original descriptions. When the new genera
are published I will add similar links for the included species in both them and in Choerades.
And for these three genera, I will replace the state listings from the 1965 Diptera Catalog with
links to detailed distribution maps. Here is an example
of the kind of map I am talking about. This one is for Choerades gilvus--the one currently
known Holarctic species in the genus. These maps are already completed.
As now listed the citations are for the most part simply a copy of what was presented in
the 1965 Diptera Catalog, except for a couple of instances where that had either the
year or page wrong. I also added the one North American Laphria that has been described since then,
Laphria calvescenta, which was described in 1975 by Baker, in Baker and Fischer. This is a
synonym of Laphria milvina Bromley. The full literature references are all included in the
Bibliography. In the list below, the bulleted items are synonyms.
For all the names where I could find photographs of a type on-line I put a link to those photographs at the end of the listing,
with the link text specifiying the kind of type. All of the links so far are to the
Type Database at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and most of them are to Holotypes.
Last, this is meant to be a working list, as much for my own benefit as for that of anyone else,
as I move forward with my review of Laphria s. str. It will therefore change.
Any changes or annotations I make will be noted in my Laphriini Blog.
Genus LAMPRIA Macquart
Lampria Macquart, 1838: 60. Type-species, Laphria clavipes Fabricius (Coquillett, 1910b: 557).
bicolor (Wiedemann), 1828: 522 (Laphria) .-Unknown; Ind. to Conn., s. to Tex. and Fla.
aniosa Say, 1829: 155 (Laphria).-Ind.
megacera Macquart, 1834 : 284 (Laphria).-Pa.
antaea Walker, 1849: 379 (Laphria).-Fla.
corallogaster (Bigot,), 1878: 226 (Laphria).-N. Amer.
rubriventris (Macquart), 1834: 284 (Laphria) .-Pa.; Ga., Tex.
Genus LAPHRIA Meigen
Laphria Meigen, 1800: 25. Type-species, Asilus gibbosus Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910b: 557). Suppressed by I.C .Z.N., 1963b: 339.
Laphria Meigen, 1803: 270. Type-species, Asilus gibbosus Linnneus (Latreille, 1810 : 443).
Ropalocera Meigen, 1820 : 301. Type-species, Laphria nigripennis Meigen (mon.) .
Bombomima Enderlein, 1914c : 253. Type-species, Laphria fulvithorax Fabricius (orig. des.) = thoracica Fabricius.
Dasyllis, authors, not Loew.
aeata Walker, 1849 : 381.-Hudson Bay; Alta.
affinis Macquart, 1855: 74.-Md.; N.J., Ala., Ga.
aimatis McAtee, 1918:160.--Calif.;Colo.
aktis McAtee, 1918: 152.-Pa.; Ohio, Va., N.C. PARATYPE
altitudinum Bromley, 1924 : 126.- Maine ; N.H., N.Y. HOLOTYPE
apila (Bromley), 1951 : 22 (Bombomima).-Ala.; Ga., Tenn.
asackeni Wilcox, in Wilcox & Martin, 1965: 389 (for sackeni Wilcox).-Calif.; Alaska, B.C., Oreg., Idaho, Mont. N . name.
sackeni Wilcox, 1936: 8 (preocc. Banks, 1917).--Calif. HOLOTYPE
astur Osten Sacken, 1877: 285.-Calif.; Wash., Oreg. SYNTYPE
californica Banks, 1917 : 54 (Dasyllis).-Calif
asturina (Bromley), 1951: 22 (Bombomima).-B.C .; Alaska, Wash., Oreg., Calif.
astur authors, not Osten Sacken.
canis Williston, l884: 31.-Conn.; Ohio, Pa., N.Y., Md., Va.
dispar Banks, 1911 : 130 (preocc. Coquillett, 1898).-N.Y. HOLOTYPE
disparella Banks, 1913: 52 (n. name for dispar Banks).- N.Y .
carbonaria Snow, 1896 : 181 (n. name for anthrax Williston) .-Calif.; N. Mex.
anthrax Williston, 1884: 29 (preocc. Meigen, 1804).-Calif.
carolinensis Schiner, l867: 380.--Carolina.
champlainii (Walton), 1910 : 243 (Dasyllis) .-Pa.; Conn.
cinerea (Back), 1904 : 289 (Dasyllis) .-N .C.; N.Y.
columbica Walker, 1866 : 338.-B .C .; Wash., Oreg.
coquillettii McAtee, 1918: 257.-Calif.
divisor (Banks), 1917: 54 (Dasyllis).-N .C.; Wis., Ill., Maine, Pa. HOLOTYPE
engelhardti (Bromley), 1931a: 434 (Bombomima).-Colo.; Ariz., N. Mex.
fattigi (Bromley), 1951: 23 (Bombomima).-Ga.
felis (Osten Sacken), 1877: 286 (Lampria).-Calif.; B.C ., Wash., Oreg., Utah, Wyo., Colo. HOLOTYPE
xanthippe Williston, 1884 : 31.-Oreg. HOLOTYPE
atripes McAtee, 1918: 161 (as var.).-Colo.
crocea McAtee, 1918: 162 (as var.). -Wash.
varipes McAtee, 1918: 162 (as val.).-Colo.
fernaldi (Back), 1904: 290 (Dasyllis).-Colo.; Wash., Oreg. Utah.
ferox Williston, 1884: 29.-Wash. ; B.C., Mont.
flavescens Macquart, 1838: 69.-Carolina and Pyrenees.
flavico1lis Say, 1825: 374.-Northwest Territory (U.S .); Iowa to Que., s. to Tex. and Fla.
melanopogon Wiedemann, 1828: 520.-Ky.
flavipila Macquart, 1834: 282.-U.S.
franciscana Bigot, 1878: 225.-Calif.; B.C., Wash.
georgina Wiedemann, 1821: 235.-Ga.
gilva (Linnaeus), 1758: 605 (Asilus).-Europe; Wash. and Oreg. to Mass.
bilineata Walker, 1849: 1156.-Ont.
grossa (Fabricius), 1775: 791 (Asilus).-Amer.; Pa., Ga., Fla.
tergissa Say, 1823: 74.-Pa.
analis Macquart, 1838b: 68.-N . Amer.
flavibarbis Harris, 1862: 604.-Unknown. HOLOTYPE
huron (Bromley), 1929: 159 (Bombomima).-Ont.; N.B., N.Y.
index McAtee, 1918: 164.-Pa.; e. Canada, N.H ., N.Y., N.J ., Va.
insignis (Banks), 1917: 54 (Dasyllis).-Labr.; Calif. HOLOTYPE
ithypyga McAtee, 1918: 165.-Pa.; Md.
janus McAtee, 1918: 153.-N.H.; B.C. and Wash. to Maine, s. to Colo. and N.Y.
lasipes Wiedemann, 1828: 502.-Ky.
lata Macquart, 1850: 379 (n. name for analis Macquart, 1846).-Tex.; La.
analis Macquart, 1846: 206 (Mallophora; preocc. Macquart, 1838).-Tex.
macquarti (Banks), 1917: 54 (Dasyllis).-Tex. HOLOTYPE
melanogaster Wiedemann, 1821: 236.-Mexico; Tex., Ga.
milvina Bromley, 1929: 160.-B.C.; Oreg.
calvescenta Baker, in Baker and Fischer, 1975: 56-58.-Mich.
nigella (Bromley), 1934a: 93 (Bombomima).-Tex.
partitor (Banks), 1917: 54 (Dasyllis).-B .C .; Wash., Oreg. HOLOTYPE
posticata Say, 1825: 374.-Northwest Territory (U.S.); Wis., Ont., Que., N.Y.
brunnea Bromley, 1929: 159 (Bombomima; as var.). -Ont. ?Var.
scutellaris Bromley, 1929: 159 (Bombomima; as var.).-Ont.
rapax Osten Sacken, 1877: 286.-Calif.;Wash., Oreg. HOLOTYPE
royalensis (Bromley), 1950c: 2 (Bombomima).-Mich.
sackeni (Banks), 1917: 54 (Dasyllis).-Calif.; Oreg. HOLOTYPE
sacrator Walker, 1849: 382.-N .S .; Wis. to Que., s. to Conn.
sadales Walker, 1849: 378.-N .Y.; B.C. to N.H., s. to Calif.
pubescens Williston, 1884: 32.-Wash. SYNTYPE
saffrana Fabricius, 1805: 160.-Carolina; Va, N.C., Ga., Fla.
scorpio McAtee, 1918: 163.-N .H.; N.Y., Vt.
semitecta (Coquillett), 1910a: 124 (Dasyllis).-Man.
sericea Say, 1823: 74.-US.; Ill., Atlantic Seaboard States.
sicula McAtee, 1918: 165.-Md.; Ill., Ohio, Pa., Va.
terraenovae Macquart, 1838: 69.-Nfld.
thoracica Fabricius, 1805: 158.-N. Amer.; e. of the Rocky Mts.
fulvithorax Fabricius, 1805: 373 (unjustified n. name for thoracica Fabricius).-N. Amer.
alcanor Walker, 1849: 383.-Mass.
trux McAtee, 1918: 158.-Calif.
audax McAtee, 1918: 158 (as var.). -Calif.
unicolor Williston, 1884: 26 (Dasyllis).-Wash.
ventralis Williston, 1885: 55.-Calif.; Wash.
virginica (Banks), 1917: 53 (Dasyllis).-Va. SYNTYPE
vivax Williston, 1884: 30.-Wash.; B.C., Colo.
anthemon McAtee, 1918: 156 (as ssp.).-N. Mex.
vorax (Bromley), 1929: 158 (Bombomima).-Kans.; Nebr.
vultur Osten Sacken, 1877: 286.-Calif.; Wash., Oreg. SYNTYPE
winnemana McAtee, 1918: 168.-Md.; Canada, Pa., Va.