Laphria huron (Bromley): Original Description

Bromley, S. W. 1929. Notes on the asilid genera Bombomima and Laphria with descriptions of three new species and two new varieties (Diptera). Canadian Entomologist Vol. 61, Page 159.

Bombomima huron new species

Length: 15-20 mm., exclusive of proboscis. Most nearly related to sacrator Walker, from which it may be distinguished by the black hairs on the 1st 3 abdominal segments, and the greater amount of black hairs in the mystax. In sacrator the 1st 3 tergites are thickly covered with yellow pile. From thoracica Fabr. it may be distinguished by the thick yellow pile on the anterior and middle tibiae, the more slender abdomen, narrower thorax, and generally less robust appearance. The forceps are narrower and more prolonged than in thoracica and bear a small tuft of yellowish hair at the sides. In thoracica the hairs of the genitalia are all black. Distinguished from affinis Macquart, by the black beard, the tuft of hairs in front of the wings being yellow and the hairs of the scutellum being yellow.

Male. Head black, vestiture all black except a few hairs on face and in mystax yellow. Pronotal bristles black. Thoracic vestiture, including that of scutellum and postscutellum, pleura, mesonotum, tuft in front of wings and halteres, yellow. A few black hairs on coxae and a few black bristles on mesonotum at base of wing. Legs black with black hairs, the exterior portion of the front femora and tibiae, the apex of the middle femora and exterior portion of middle tibiae, thickly clothed with yellow hairs. Apex of posterior femora and basal extremity of posterior tibiae with a few yellow hairs. Tarsi with black bristles but clothed thickly with minute feruginous hairs. Pulvilli light brown. Claws black, pale brown at base. Wings pale grayish, nearly hyline, tinged slightly with brownish along veins. Halteres pale brown. Abdomen black with black hairs, rather narrow. A tuft of yellowish hairs on each side of the 2nd segment. Genitalia black with black hairs except a small tuft of yellowish or brownish hairs on the sides of the forceps.

Female. Similar. Abdomen slightly broader and tuft of yellow hairs on sides of second abdominal tergite small and more inconspicuous. Tip of ovipositor with a few yellowish hairs.

In one male, the yellow vestiture has a brownish tinge.

Holotype. [Male], Camp 33, Ontario, Lake Abitibi, Canada. July 6, 1925 (N. K. Bigelow.).

Allotopotype. [Female], July 7, 1925 (N. K. Bigelow).

Paratypes. 2 [Males], St. Andrews, N. B. July 15, 1923 (E. M. Walker); Ottawa, Canada. July 12. (Harrington).

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