A New Species of Dasyllis from Pennsylvania.
W. R. Walton, Harrisburg, Pa.
(Plate IX)
While collecting at Carlisle Junction, PA., at the base of the South Mountain on June 22, 1909, the writer collected two Asilids which then seemed to be Dasyllis grossa Fabr.
When examined at leisure, however, important differences became apparent and Mr. E. Daecke, to whom they were shown, declared that in his opinion it was a new species.
On the following July 1st, an attempt was made to secure additional specimens, which resulted in the acquisition of three more individuals, two of which were males.
Upon comparing these specimens with the species already in the literature I, too, am convinced that it is new to science.
Dasyllis champlainii sp. nov.
Length 19 to 24 mm. Moustache and beard pale yellow (lemon-yellow) to tawney (pale brown ochre). Bristles of the mystax distinct and black. Dorsum of thorax covered with prostrate, rather short, pale yellow to tawney, pile. Pile and bristles of the mesopleura black or at most with a very slight sprinkling of yellowish hair near the upper edge. Scutellum black, shining, thinly covered with small black, prostrate bristles. Abdomen; first segment black, somewhat shining, with a triangular spot of yellow to tawney pile on the lateral hind margins enclosing a black, somewhat anvil shaped spot, which is shining and thinly covered with black hair. Anterior lateral margins bearing [p. 244] black hairs. Second and third segments similar to the first, but without black hair of anterior lateral margins and with black spot on the disc of slightly less width. Fourth segment in both sexes completely covered with yellow to tawney pile. Fifth segment in the male usually covered with yellow to tawney pile. In the female with a triangular spot of yellow pile on the lateral margins, the remainder of the first segment being black. Sixth segment in both sexes black, with black postrate hairs and pile. Hypopygium in the male prominent and narrowly connected with abdomen. Wings brownish, darker along the nervures. Front and middle coxae, front, middle and usually hind tibiae and all tarsi with yellow to tawney pile. The light colored pile being confined to the outer surfaces of the tibiae and is mixed with black hair. The pile of the legs becomes almost entirely black in the darker colored individuals. There are usually present one or ttwo rather strong, black, presutural bristles which project nearly at right angles with the pleura. When two of these are present, the more caudad is the stronger. The length of the second antennal joint is contained in the third about four times.
I take pleasure in naming this proposed species in honor of Mr. Alfred B. Champlain, who has added a great deal, in a very short time, to our knowledge of the Diptera and Coleoptera of this immediate region.
Five specimens, Carlisle Junction, Pa., collected by the author; one specimen, Colemansville, Pa., P. H. Hertzog; one specimen, Lyme, Conn., A. B. Champ[l]ain. Type male and female deposited in the U. S. National Museum, Washington, D.C.
The species described above resembles most nearly Dasyllis grossa Fabr., but differs in the following details:
Third joint of antenna somewhat shorter. There are apparently no presutural bristles of the character mentioned above in D. grossa. First abdominal segment in D. grossa separated from the second by a deep incision, is somewhat swollen at the sides and almost if not entirely black. In D. champlainii this is not the case. The proboscis sheath in D. grossa is terminated abruptly and incrassated or clubbed; in D. champlainii it is much less so.
There exists also a very distinct difference in the structure of the hypopygium and color markings of the abdomen, both of which are shown on the accompanying plate.
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