beard black or mixed black and yellow on top third, yellow on bottom two thirds hairs underneath the proboscis entirely yellow in male; in female, basal portion with yellow hairs, distal portion with black hairs palpal hairs mixed; some are black, some are yellow
tuft of hairs in front of wings entirely yellow tuft of hairs in front of haltere entirely yellow scutellar hairs black on disk; black, occasionally with a few yellow, on margin ground color of legs fore- and mid-tibiae in male with long golden-yellow hairs along entire posterior surface of the fore-tibiae, and along entire anterior, dorsal, and posterior surfaces of the mid-tibiae; the female is haired similarly, with the difference that the golden-yellow hairs are confined to the posterior surfaces, and for some reason in some specimens are much less conspicuous, appearing distinct only when viewed from a particular angle hind tibiae extremely variable; in some specimens entirely black haired, or black haired, with intermixed short golden yellow hairs dorsally near the base, which like those on the fore- and mid-legs of some females, only appear distinct when viewed from a certain angle; in other specimens the golden -yellow hairs are much more conspicuous, and extend along the entire dorsal surface; these specimens when females are invariably those exhibiting conspicuous hairs on the fore- and mid-tibiae; the hairing of the hind tibiae, in effect, being just an extension of the condition present anteriorly; these latter specimens also invariably have more yellow on the abdominal tergites (see below); the photos shown here represent a male and female of this latter type hind femora black haired, except for a few scattered yellow hairs on the apex or "knee;" these yellow hairs not conspicuous, and cannot be seen without using a dissecting microscope