Laphria champlainii (Walton): Redescription
mystax top portion yellow, bottom portion black
beard yellow, except for indistinct patch of black hairs on each side
hairs underneath the proboscis yellow in male, black in female
palpal hairs black
tuft of hairs in front of wings mostly black; yellow hairs limited to dorsal margin
tuft of hairs in front of haltere mostly yellow; a few black hairs present
scutellar hairs black on disk; on margin some black and some yellow
ground color of legs
fore- and mid-tibiae in male, with yellow hairs along entire posterior surface; in female, with scattered yellow hairs on basal fourth of posterior surface
hind tibiae black haired
hind femora black haired, except for a few scattered yellow hairs on apex or
"knee"; these yellow hairs not conspicuous, and cannot be seen without
using a dissecting microscope
abdominal segments in both male and female first 4 tergites covered with yellow hair, except on extreme anteriolateral margins of first, and medially
on first three, tergites, where the hairs are black. A few scattered black
hairs and bristles are also found at the extreme lateral margins of tergites
2-5. Yellow hairs are also present on tergite 5. In the male, medially these
hairs are thinly distributed along the anterior third to fourth of the tergite;
the area they cover, however, widens, and their density thickens, as one
moves further from the mid-line towards the sides, where they occupy the
length of the tergite. The fifth tergite of the female is similar to that of the
male, except that the yellow hairs are much sparser medially, and the area
they cover does not expand quite so quickly as one moves laterally. This
difference, and the strong contrast to the thick and ubiquitous yellow hair
of the preceding segment, the makes the tergite appear black at first
glance. The rest of the abdomen is black haired in both the male and the